конфликт по английски

Автор Stepanenko554 задал вопрос в разделе Естественные науки

Переведите сочинение о \"конфликтах\" на английский (без переводчика). и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Иришка Жидкова[активный]
Conflict - is a usual thing nowadays/ It happens very often in our life, one of reasons is difference of people/ they have different opinions and tastes/ also people agree with each other because they don't listen to each other/ to prevent conflicts we must learn to listen to each other and recpect other people's opinion/ but if the conflicts are we must solve proplems peacefully will not affect your relations next time
Источник: сама писала. лови вроде правильно

Ответ от Katya Katya[новичек]
Conflict - this is a common thing in our lives. They happen in our lives all the time, one of the reasons is that people are different. They have different opinions, different vkusy.Tak often people argue because they do not listen to each druga.Chto conf

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