как переводится по английски

Автор Людмила Сироткина задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

как переводится по английски и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Ева Карапетян[мастер]
1. I work.
2. We are working.
3. It does not work.
4. Do you work? -Yes
5.On work? -No. He is studying.
6.My brother learns. He works.
7. Do you wear glasses?
8. You help people?
9.On likes to read fairy tales?
10.She loves to play the violin?
11.MY sister does not read books.
12.our grandmother likes to sleep on the couch.
13.Vy like to relax in a chair?
14.My eat and drink in the kitchen.
15.My brother does not like to read newspapers.
16.My sleep in the bedroom.
17. My brother is sleeping on the couch in the living room.
18.My sister dressed in front of a mirror.
19.My uncle writes books.
20.My doing exercises at school.
21.I spend their pocket money for ice cream.
22.On reads all the time and does not like to watch TV.
Ева Карапетян

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