healthy lifestyle topic

Здоровый образ жизни перевод на английский

Автор Matar Mast задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Здоровый образ жизни (английский язык) Погомогите написать сочинение на тему "здоровый образ жизни" по английски и получил лучший ответ

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The word "health" is one of the most
parts that are used people. Even
greeting when meeting and parting, we
associate with this word: "hello," "Be
Health, and others. But what is "health"?
The easiest answer is that health - it is
the absence of disease. On life expectancy
influenced by many different factors.
Some of them - the environment, genetic
predisposition - difficult to control,
but you can still do a lot to live
long and healthy life. It has long been known that
human health by 10-20% depending on
inheritance, 10-20% - from environmental
medium, 8-12% - the level of health and 50-70% -
on lifestyle. What is a healthy lifestyle?
This range of recreational activities
ensure harmonious development and strengthen
health, improving health of people
extension of their creative longevity. But,
Unfortunately, many people do not respect the most
simple, science-based standards of healthy
lifestyle. Some people do not adhere to a healthy and
variety of food that you want to include
more fruits and vegetables. After all, what
varied diet, the more likely that
it will include all the necessary nutrients
substance. Others do not lead an active lifestyle that
causes premature aging and a risk
heart disease. Others do not try to
keep weight within the recommended limits. People with
overweight are more prone to such
diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, arthritis and
heart disease. As for people with a weight below
rates lowered resistance to infection.
The fourth can not cope with everyday
stress. And many shorten your life
succumbing to addiction to smoking and alcohol.
This range of recreational activities
ensure harmonious development and strengthen
health, improving health of people
extension of their creative longevity.
Health - an invaluable asset not only
each person, but also the entire society. When
meetings and partings with near and dear
people we wish them good and strong health
as it is - the basic condition and guarantee a full and
happy life. Health helps us to perform
our plans successfully meet basic living
challenges, overcome difficulties, but if we must,
then significant overloads. Good health
reasonable to maintain and strengthen themselves
man gives him a long and active
Scientific evidence suggests that
Most people when they comply with
hygienic rules have to live to 100
years or more.
Unfortunately, many people do not respect the most
simple, science-based standards of healthy
lifestyle. Some victims
immobility (inactivity), causing
premature aging, and other excesses in
food with an almost inevitable in these cases, the development of
obesity, vascular sclerosis, and some -
diabetes, and others can not relax,
diverted from industrial and domestic concerns,
eternally restless, nervous, insomnia that
eventually leads to many
diseases of internal organs. Some people
succumbing to addiction to smoking and alcohol,
actively shorten his life.
Health - this is the first and most important
human need, which determines the ability
him to work and ensuring harmonious
personal development. It is important
prerequisite to the knowledge of the outside world, to
self-affirmation and happiness of man. Active
long life - this is an important term human

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