write a short paragraph

Portfolio write about your house flat

Автор Виталия Базанова задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Помогите пожалуйста! portfolio write a short paragraph describing your house/flat.write about:rooms,special features. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от
I have two rooms and live in the living room. It's really bright there, all wallscovering are colorful and pretty. I also have a notebook where i put my nude photos. I don't know why i got used to this, but i can't stop it, it's like a troublesome obsession of mine, i think i'm too sexy, my body is so slim, my hands and feets are so greacefull, but i really hope nobody ever see my photos, except for one man, my brother...
3f15 j68f
Не за что. Рад помочь.

Ответ от Денис Радаев[новичек]
My house is 2 rooms kitchen and bedroom. Wall with a pattern of yellow flowers. I've got a couch and bed.There is a round table.

Ответ от TRIPLE GAME[новичек]
We have got a nice flat. - У нас хорошая квартираю
There are two rooms in our flat: a living room and my bedroom.
В квартире есть гостинная комната и моя спальня.
There is a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet in our room too.
Есть кухня, ванная комната и туалет тоже.
We have no car and no garage, and no garden too.
У нас нет машины и нет гаража и сада тоже нет.
In the living room there is a sofa, a TV-set, a table and four chairs.
В гостинной стоит диван, телевизор, стол и 4 стула.
In my room there is my bed, a chair, а desk, and а computer.
В моей комнате стоит моя кровать, стул, стол и компьютор.
I like our flat. Мне нравится наша квартира.

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