would you like some milk

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Ответ от Lala[гуру]
1) It's interesting why some kids don't like milk
2) Would you like some milk?
3) I'm not too hungry, I won't take soup today
4) Give me some soup
5) Would you like some sugar? - Yes, two pieces please
6) Do you like salad?
7) Pass me the salad please
8) Would you like some ice cream?
9) Ice-cream please
10) The coffee is too light
11) Take the cake please
12) Give me please some water. I'm very thirsty

Ответ от Loony[новичек]
1) Interestingly, why some children don't like milk?
2) Do you want some milk?
3) I'm not really hungry, I will not take a soup today
4) Give me the soup, please
5) Do you need some sugar? - Yeah two bits, please
6 ) Do you like any salad?
7) Give me the salad please
8) Do you wan't some ice-cream?
9) Ice-cream, please
10) Coffee is too weak
11) Here is your cake, please
12) Gime me some water, please. I'm very gasping for a drink!!

Ответ от Андрюха Воркута[новичек]
1. Shit, some fucing bambinos didn't suck milk, but why?
2. Would you like milk?
3. Fuck off with the soup. I'm not hungry.
4. Would you be so polite to give me the soup.
5. How about sugar? Yes, two for me, please.
6. Are you an heir of a cow or something? I mean Do you do salad?
7. Salad, please 🙂
8. I have some icecream. Is it ok for you?
9. Good afternoon, sir! If you don't mind I would be glad to ask you some icecream, please. Is it possible?
10. It's a shit but not a coffee.
11. Cake?
12. Hey, duke! Give me some water. I'm thirsty.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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