will be coming back

To moscow again

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Ответ от Пользователь удален[гуру]
Do you know what you will be (are going to be) doing tonight/this evening?
Out of curiosity, when will your brother come back to Moscow (will visit Moscow again)?
I am not sorry that I won't be able to come (ili esli vy hoteli skazat' mne ochen' zhal', to I am very sorry that I will not be able to make it).
Did you expect me? (esli v smysle chto ia vam ne skazal chto pridu, no ozhidali moego prihoda)/ Were you waiting for me? (esli znali chto pridet i ozhidali prihoda, t.e. esli chelovek opozdal).
Next week we will be preparing for exams (studying for exams).
Were you traveling this time of the year last year?/Were you traveling around this time last year?
Источник: znaiu angliiskii luchshe russkogo

Ответ от AXL[новичек]
You know that you wake to do tonight?
Interesting. when ash brother owl will arrive in Moscow?
I much sting that I shall not be able to come.
You waited me?
For future week we wake to prepare to exam you after all travelled in this time last year?

Ответ от Pink Panther[эксперт]
Do you know, what will you doing at evning? It`s interesting, when your brother will come in Moscow again?
It is a pitty for me, that i wouldn`t come. Did you wait me? We wiil prepareding to ecxems on future week. Did you treveled in this taime in last year?

Ответ от Просто эльф[гуру]
Do you know what you are going to do tonight? I wonder when your brother will come to Moscow again. I'm afraid, I won't be able to come. Sorry. Have you been waiting for me? We'll be preparing for exams next week. You were travelling this time last year, weren't you?
(внимание, в предыдущих ответах очень много ошибок)

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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