who do you admire

Автор Лунёв Валерий (николаевич) задал вопрос в разделе Школы

английский 7 класс известные люди и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Артем Шботов[гуру]
Vladimir Putin is probably the coolest guy on the planet. This fact is nearly indisputable. He’s best known as the current Prime Minister of Russia and former President, but few know the real man behind the power. He’s an advocate of many great causes for the Russian people, especially wildlife. I love animals, and it’s certainly one area where his aura shines most brightly. Nursing baby elk is a joy few ever get to experience. He understands the plight of the polar bear and has geared efforts towards saving the population in northern Russia. By far his greatest macho cause is protection for the endangered wild tiger. He is the man, and he’s a man of action.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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