where to next перевод

Shop to go

Автор НасТёНЧик задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

помогите плиз по английскому, есть перевод! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Masha Nechaeva[гуру]
1. goes
2.did not go
3.did you go
4. will grow
5. are you doing
6. is sleeping
7. did your father work
8. is she going
9. did not watch
10. wrote
12. went- didn't buy
13.will you buy
14. is working
16. will your brother go
17.isn't cooking
18. cooked
20.will you go
21. will you prepare
22. did you invite
23. did you help
24. will send
26. is listening - is - listens

Ответ от Ёветлана657483920203[новичек]
1. goes
2.did not go
3.did you go
4. will grow
5. are you doing
6. is sleeping
7. did your father work
8. is she going
9. did not watch
10. wrote
12. went- didn't buy
13.will you buy
14. is working
16. will your brother go
17.isn't cooking
18. cooked
20.will you go
21. will you prepare
22. did you invite
23. did you help
24. will send
26. is listening - is - listens

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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