what does a computer literate person mean

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What does "a computer literate person" mean как перевести в яндаксе нет в гугл корявый перевод и получил лучший ответ

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Computer Literate means you are able to use a computer on a basic level, I'd say that you'd need to know the following to count as computer literate:
1. Be able to identify all the obvious external parts of a computer (mouse, keyboard, CD-ROM drive etc) and know what they are for.
2. Understand a computers file system, so you understand the concept of files and directory structures.
3. Be able to use basic computer office software, mainly word processors and spreadsheets.
4. Be able to navigate the internet and use it to find information that you need.
5. Be able to use e-mail software
I don't think you'll really be able to find any "definite" answer, to be honest. A lot of it is going to depend on what the company actually wants you to do in the job, but I'd say that if you can do all 5 of the above you should be fine...

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