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Автор Nino // задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Английский...пожалуйста помогите предложения перевести с русского на английский...буду очень благодарна и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Monica Leen[эксперт]
Londoners put on gauze bandages in such days: they become grey through a quarter of hour. The fog brings many troubles. But all year in England only it is foggy, сыро and it is windy. Rains and dampness bother. But the person can get used to all. You get used gradually and to English weather. The winter has come — spring not far off — Englishmen speak. And spring in Britain - wonderful time. It all blossoms. Blossoms in cities, blossoms in suburbs. Gentle pink flowers of cherries. White flowers of apple-trees. Really to see spring in England, it is necessary to visit in яблоневых gardens of a county Kent. On highway there are indexes \"road to colour\". You can go on them, to these provincial, narrow and winding roads mile behind mile and to enjoy white and pink in colour trees. England is fine these spring weeks. And the rain spares its beauty. And the sun does bright its paints.

Ответ от Nikolя ®[гуру]
Londoners put on gauze bandages in such days: they become grey through a quarter of hour. The fog brings many troubles. But all year in England only it is foggy, сыро and it is windy. Rains and dampness bother. But the person can get used to all. You

Ответ от Richter[гуру]
Лондонцы put on in such days gauze bandages: they become grey through a quarter of hour. The fog brings many troubles. But not all year in England only it is foggy, сыро and it is windy. Rains and dampness bother. But the person can get used to all. Y

Ответ от Никита Мишенин[активный]
Лондонцы put on in such days gauze bandages: they become grey through a quarter of hour. The fog brings many troubles. But all year in England only it is foggy, сыро and it is windy. Rains and dampness bother. But the person can get used to all. You g

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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