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Автор Лучшая задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Переведите пожалуйста на английский язык, как можно грамотнее!!! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Андрей Борунов[гуру]
Dandies – representatives of the youth subculture popular in the USSR in the beginning of 50th years. Guys carry trousers of a pipe and shouting ties, girls get to themselves magnificent dresses and do superhairdresses. They name themselves on western manners, dance up to I shall fall, sing on break of an aorta and, certainly fall in love. Willows the same time they should struggle for the right to be color spots in grey crowd, to love a jazz when everyone love front marches.I think, that dandies it is one of the most interesting and cheerful subcultures of last time. In my opinion, presently too there are dandies, they are named simply on another-glamour people, it seems to me, to be glamour, the stylish and bright person it abruptly. In fact you are allocated from grey crowd, challenge to a society and feel simply besterly in the, though little bit strange, but the bright order. I do not belong to a class гламурных people as I study at school and to put on brightly, brightly to us forbid the teacher, but sometimes instead of usual black stockings I dress color, I paint with causing shadows of an eye, and during a vacation in general I become the present the dandy. Dandies, and now glamour is the maximum style, I do not know as another, but it is much more pleasant to me to look at the person bright and color, than on grey and monotonous. I dream and I wish to be the dandy, I think on leaving school, I shall be one of them.Certainly, if there were no dandies, and now glamour-men it would be simply complex to many persons to explain the order and behaviour which differ, from usual, therefore for this purpose the subculture is necessary to them.Извините за возможные неточности.А самостоятельно не пробовали?Удачи!

Ответ от Ёемён Маслов (senka)[гуру]
Ну щас по сыпеца из онлайн переводчиков.. . Тут самому надо.. . Сорри эт долго...

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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