синонимы на английском языке

Good синонимы

Автор Антон Шатов задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Дайте мне какможно больше синонимов слов "good" и "bad" на английском языке пожалуйста.
Зараннее спасибы!) и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Екатерина Федорова[гуру]
good - acceptable, ace*, admirable, agreeable, bad, boss*, bully, capital, choice, commendable, congenial, crack*, deluxe, excellent, exceptional, favorable, first-class, first-rate, gnarly, gratifying, great, honorable, marvelous, neat*, nice, pleasing, positive, precious, prime, rad, recherché, reputable, satisfactory, satisfying, select, shipshape, sound, spanking, splendid, sterling, stupendous, super, super-eminent, super-excellent, superb, superior, tip-top, up to snuff, valuable, welcome, wonderful, worthy
bad abominable, amiss, atrocious, awful, bad news, beastly, blah*, bottom out, bummer, careless, cheap, cheesy*, crappy*, cruddy, crummy, defective, deficient, diddly, dissatisfactory, downer, dreadful, erroneous, fallacious, faulty, garbage, godawful, grody, gross*, grungy, icky, imperfect, inadequate, incorrect, inferior, junky, lousy*, not good, off, poor, raunchy*, rough, sad, slipshod, stinking, substandard, synthetic, the pits, unacceptable, unsatisfactory
Источник: thesaurus

Ответ от Людмила К(В.)[гуру]
Good - excellent, high-quality, fine, first-rate, first-class, superiorBad - awful, terrible, dreadful, appaling, shocking, horrific, dire, ghastlyА вообще, всё зависит от контекста - где что применять...

Ответ от Ёергей Петров[гуру]
good -- kind, nice, fine, wonderful, splendid, first-rate, choice, select, sound, capital, tiptop, worthy, worthwhile, valuable, precious, priceless, admirable , commendable, crackbad -- poor, worthless, wretched, terrible, miserable, awfu

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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