shops in britain

Shopping in britain текст

Автор Игорь . задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Ирина кузнецова[гуру]
Not only are we, in the words of Napoleon, 'a nation of shopkeepers', we are also a country of compulsive shoppers. We love to shop! It is our number one leisure activity and accounts for around 37% of all money spent in England.

Shopping in England

The main shopping street in many towns is called the High Street, where you should head for if you want to go shopping. A few small shops are owned by local people. Most are owned by national 'chains' of stores. This makes many ton centres look the same. Some towns also have street markets where fresh food and cheap goods can be bought. Away from the town centre, small 'corner' shops provide groceries to local customers.
Peak shopping days are Saturdays and Sundays.
Shops are generally open on Bank Holidays (see below). Bank Holidays are a great time to shop as there are many sales on especially around Easter and Christmas.
Shopping Hours
In England, most retail shops are generally open 6 or 7 days a week.
Sunday shopping has become popular in recent years and most large shops in towns are open for business. Shops are only allowed to trade for 6 hours on Sundays.
On public holidays some shops open and some shops do not. As a general rule banks will be closed, most supermarkets and large stores will be open
Shopping is a great American pastime. Whether it is searching for that special gift, browsing the aisles of your favorite clothier, or window shopping.

America has many great craftsmen and hobbyists who share their wares in shops around the country. Little gift shops and local made items are a great find when vacationing.

Across the country, there are shopping malls with stores offering everything you can imagine. Large and small, national chains and locally owned shops, all grouped together for your pleasure.

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