schools of the air

Schools of air перевод

Автор Катя Кузнецова задал вопрос в разделе Школы

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№1. Полный каждое предложение с одним из слов ниже. (Нужно по смыслу вставить слова) : беда, образование, участие в размещение домашних животных, есть, наказать, частные, наказания, ведет себя. В России образование compulsore в возрасте 6-7 лет и 15 лет. Существуют различные типы средних школ в стране. Большинство из них находятся в государственных школах, где.... это бесплатно. Но некоторые родители хотят, чтобы их дети.... [function] школах, которые не свободны. Дети должны.... школе с понедельника по пятницу. В некоторых школах они ...носить униформу. В других они являются.... носить то, что они хотят. Дисциплина не очень строгие. Но если ученик плохо.... преподаватель может.... ребенок. Конечно,... не сильная. Учителя хотят, чтобы их ученики, чтобы остаться вне.... и всегда делать все возможное.

Ответ от Макс Меридин[эксперт]
In Russia education is compulsory between ages of 6-7 and 15 years. There are different types of secondary schools in the country. Most of them are state schools free.
But some parents want their children to attend.. private..schools which aren't free.
Children have from Monday till Friday. In some schools wear uniform. In other they are.. wear what they want.
The discipline isn't very strict. But if a pupil..behaves..badly the teacher can.. punish..the child. Of course, the..punishment..isn't severe. The teachers want their pupils to stay out always do their best.

Ответ от Милена Иванова[новичек]
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Education in Australia is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 15. Most children (about 70 %) study at state schools where education is free.
Most Australians live in cities along the eastern and south–eastern coasts. But there are also many remote inland towns on the continent. So in several states of Australia there are “Schools of the Air”. These schools are situated in the areas far away from the big cities and towns. How do students attend the Schools of the Air? The easiest thing to get a classroom experience is to use a two-way radio or other means of communication. By listening to the radio, watching TV and video the students learn about the world around them though they stay in their own homes.
There is also “Schools Through the Mailbox” for children who live far away from any school in the area. Subjects are divided into one-or two-week units. Each unit including new material, illustrations, exercises and tests can be sent to pupils any time.

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