say which subject you like and why

Автор Laleli задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Срочно нужен перевод! Помогите! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Primavera[гуру]
1) What profession do you think will suit you in the future? A teacher or an interpreter? 2) What is your favourite subject at the university and why? 3) Which English-speaking country would you like to visit first of all and why? 4) What foreign language would you like to learn apart from those you are already learning at the university?

Ответ от Stalex[эксперт]
Whom do you see yourselves in the future? Teacher, or the translator? What your favourite subject at university and why? You would like to visit what English-speaking country first of all and why? You would like to own what foreign language ex

Ответ от Tuse4ka_86rus[эксперт]
1.Whom you see themselves in the future? Uchitilem, or translator? 2.What your loved subject in university and why? 3.What english country you wanted to visit in the first place and why? 4.What foreign language you should like to have except t

Ответ от Olga Tishineva[гуру]
1. Кем вы видите себя в будущем? УчитЕлем, или переводчиком? - What would you like to be in future, a teacher or a translator/an interpreter? 2. Какой ваш любимый предмет в университете и почему? - What is your favourite subject at the university and

Ответ от Макси Антонов[активный] God!!! Stalex and ната********* , is it "modern English"???=))))))

Ответ от Leonid[гуру]
Whom do you see yourselves in а future? A teacher or an interpreter? What your favourite subject at university is, and why? What English-speaking countru you would like to visit first, and why? What foreign language you'd like to speak besides

Ответ от BON[гуру]
1) What profession do you think will suit you in the future? A teacher or an interpreter? 2) What is your favorite subject at the university and why? 3) Which English-speaking country would you like to visit first of all and why? 4) What forei

Ответ от Мил@ше4к@[новичек]
1. Whom do you see yourselves in the future? The teacher, or the translator? 2. What your favourite subject at university and why? 3. You would like to visit what English-speaking country first of all and why? 4. You would like to own what for

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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