рецепт пиццы на английском языке 6 класс

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Ответ от
2 eggs, flour, sugar, salt, 1 glass of milk

Ответ от Deadpool Best[новичек]
Ты уже 2 раза на "английском языке" сказал

Ответ от ЍНДЖЕ ГАЙНУТДИНОВА[новичек]
Wheat flour - 2 cups
buckwheat flour - 1 cup
yeast - 20-25 g
milk - 3 cups
melted butter (margarine) - 1-2 tablespoons
sugar - 1 tbsp
Egg - 1 piece

Ответ от Valeria Osipenko[активный]
1 egg, plus 2 extra egg whites
300 ml warm milk
10 g sugar
10 g yeast
225 g flour
vegetable oil for frying
butter for greasing blini
Method of Preparation:
1. To make a paste mix the yeast, milk, flour and sugar and egg yolk together in a large bowl.
2. Whisk the egg whites in a separate bowl until they form stiff peaks, then put them into the paste. Cover the bowl and set aside at room temperature for 20 — 30 minutes.
3. Heat a frying pan until medium hot, add a little vegetable oil and middle ladle of the blini mixture.
4. Cook the blini first on one side until golden-brown then turn it over and bake the other side then put blini onto a large flat plate and grease it with butter. Repeat with the remaining batter and keep the blini warm until ready to serve

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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