

Автор NjMsH задал вопрос в разделе Школы

Кто хорошо знает английский! чем rather от prefer отличается??? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Max[гуру]
Prefer and would rather (a) Prefer to do и prefer doing Чтобы сказать о предпочтении говорят `prefer to do\' или `prefer doing\'. Выражение `Prefer to do\' более употребительно: - I don\'t like cities. I prefer to live (или I prefer living) in the country. Запомните различие конструкций: I prefer (doing) something to (doing) something else но: I prefer to do something rather than (do) something else - I prefer that coat to the coat you were wearing yesterday. - Tom prefers driving to travelling by train. но: Tom prefers to drive rather than travel by train. - I prefer to live in the country rather than (live) in a city. (b) Would prefer (to do) Чтобы выразить предпочтение в конкретной ситуации (а не вообще) применяют `would prefer to do\': - `Would you prefer tea or coffee?\' `Coffee, please.\' - `Shall we go by train?\' `Well, I\'d prefer to go by car.\' (а не `going\') Отметьте конструкцию: I\'d prefer to do something rather than (do) something else - I\'d prefer to stay at home tonight rather than go to the cinema. (c) Would rather (do) = would prefer to do. Инфинитив после would rather используется без to. Сравните: Shall we go by train? Well, I\'d prefer to go by car. Well, I\'d rather go by car. (а не `to go\') - `Would you rather have tea or coffee?\' `Coffee, please.\' - I\'m tired. I\'d rather not go out this evening, if you don\'t mind. - `Do you want to go out this evening?\' `I\'d rather not.\' Отметьте конструкцию: I\'d rather do something than (do) something else - I\'d rather stay at home than go to the cinema. (d) Would rather someone did something Когда хотят, чтобы кто-либо другой что-либо сделал, говорят I\'d rather did../ I\'d rather he did...и т. д. В конструкции иcпользуется прошедшее время, но значение этой конструкции - настоящее или будущее время, но не прошедшее. Сравните: I\'d rather cook the dinner now. I\'d rather you cooked the dinner now. (а не `I\'d rather you cook\') - `Shall I stay here?\' `Well, I\'d rather you came with us.\' - I\'d rather you didn\'t tell anyone what I said. - `Do you mind if I smoke?\' `I\'d rather you didn\'t.\'

Ответ от Nezach[новичек]
Первое: учи английский. Второе: rather - более, prefer - предпочитаю. Щас ясно??

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