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Автор Дмитрий задал вопрос в разделе Гуманитарные науки

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Ответ от Константин Гербенский[мастер]
Please don\'t speak so loud. I\'m studying. 2 Are you writing a postcard to Mary? - Yes, I always congratulate her on holidays. 3. Why are you silent,-he asked. Because I prefer to keep silence in such situations. 4 Look, it\'s raining. We won\'t be able to go to the country. As for me I\'m not afraid of the rain. I go abroad in any weather. 5 The scientists are always studying weather. The climate is getting warmer. 6 i\'m going to a pop music concert. Jane is coming with me. Would you like to come with us? - with pleasure! It\'s getting dark. I\'d like to ask Mark to switch on the lights. Всё, заколебался) ) Следующему легче будет =)

Ответ от Alley[эксперт]
8. She's so dissipated. She always leaves her bag in the class. 9. Is he busy today again? No, it's his day off. 10. Why is he playing computer? I always ask him not to play in the evenings. He hasn't lessons, that's why he's playing. 11. Even

Ответ от Анна Черная[активный]
Как вариант кусок начала и конец: Please, don’t speak so loud. I’m studeing. 2. «Are you writing a card for Mary?» «Yes, I’m always greeting her with all the holidays» 3. «Why are you silent?» - he asked. «Because I prefer to keep silence in such sort

Ответ от Vlad671Games[новичек]
Вот самый правильный! Please do not talk so loud. I've been doing. 2. "You write from ¬ krytku Mary?" "Yes, I always congratulate her on holidays." 3. "Poche ¬ mu are you silent?" - He asked. "Because I prefer to keep silent in such situations." 4. "L

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