pretty cool перевод на русский

Автор Кляйн задал вопрос в разделе Гуманитарные науки

Помогите,нужен перевод на англ. язык и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Ўльк@[активный]
какой ещё will dozhd??? ужас!!!!

Ответ от Ёамир[гуру]
1. I wonder what the weather will be tomorrow?-I think it's pretty cool, probably will dozhd.Takaya weather typical of autumn Moskvy.Ne forget to take an umbrella when going out.

Ответ от Irina hohlova[гуру]
1 .- I wonder what the weather will be tomorrow?-I think it's pretty cool, probably will dozhd.Takaya weather typical of autumn Moskvy.Ne forget to take an umbrella when going out. 2. In your place I would start to learn French: you are so good

Ответ от Fake[гуру]
посмотри там...
я сыну там домашку делаю.. .

Ответ от Карри_No_ReGreTT[мастер]
I wonder what the weather will be tomorrow?-I think it's pretty cool, probably will dozhd. This weather is typical for autumn in Moscow. Don't forget to take an umbrella when you are going out. 2. If I were in your shoes I would start to learn Fr

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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