present perfect continuous примеры

Предложения в present perfect continuous

Автор Дмитрий Sarmak Емцов задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

помогите поалуйста составить 3 предложения связанные по смыслу в Present perfect continuous! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Елена Хлопенко[гуру]
David Jones HAS BEEN WORKING for the same company for 20 years. He has been a supervisor since 1991 and he quite likes his work, but he HAS BEEN THINKING about changing his job because he discovered that he has a real talent for garden design. David HAS BEEN STUDYING garden design part-time for 2 years and since last time he HAS BEEN PREPARING for his final examination. David has been interested in gardening since he was a child and he has known for years that his present job was not the best one for him.

Ответ от Niktoperal[эксперт]
1.He have been selecting shoes-он выбирает обувь 2.She has been runned in shoes- она бегала в обуви 3.He have been reading book-он читает книжку я думаю ты понял что такое present perfect continuous, хотя я тебе мог сказать про past perfec

Ответ от Ёергей Логинов[гуру]
I have been flying. While you have had been trying. To have had had got in touch with me. Здесь много личного, недосказанного. Будь проще, возьми такой: А как это?

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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