пожар перевод

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Проверьте перевод - АНГЛИЙСКИЙ! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от PanteRRa[гуру]
September the 5th,1666, was the last day of The Great Fire of London that had been raging for 4 days. During that time 13200 houses, more than 80 churches and many civic buildings were burned down. The fire reduced to ashes City Hall and The Royal Exchange - the financial center of London. The most serious damage was caused to the St. Paul's Cathedral. It's remarkable that only a few people perished in the fire.
пасибки ))

Ответ от Віталій Зінченко[гуру]
On September, 5th, 1666 the great fire in London which proceeded in a current of four days, has ended. For this time has burnt down 13 200 houses, both more than 80 churches and many public buildings. In ashes the Town hall and the Royal stock exchange -

Ответ от Егор Колоколов[новичек]
September the 5th,1666, was the last day of The Great Fire of London that had been raging for 4 days. During that time 13200 houses, more than 80 churches and many civic buildings were burned down. The fire reduced to ashes City Hall and The Royal Exchang

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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