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Автор Клавдия задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Помогите пожалуйста с заданием по ин-язу и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Salavat gilmanov[гуру]
1. After finishing the translation, the students were allowed to leave the room for a while. 2. Having not bought tickets in advance, they had to go to the theatre long before the show started. 3.After spending a week in the country, Ann looked almost fully recovered. 4. lenting my dictionary to a friend, I had to go to the library to get one for myself. 5. The boy was afraid being not much of a success in the skiing competition as he was out of practice. 6. After arriving in the city, Peter immediately hurried to the local post-office to let his family know that he had arrived safely. 7. hearing the terrible news, the old woman turned pale and stood still for a while unable to say a word. 8. \"Will you write your name here, please\", said the post-office clerk handing me the parcel. 9. After paying the rent (квартирная плата) , Henry Jones found that he had only some small change left till the end of the week. 10. Do you know the girl, showing the way to the manager\'s office?

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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