natural sciences перевод

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Ответ от ЁергейЛ[гуру]
Types of science
Science is such a wide area that it is divided into branches or types which means the same. Its main division is into social sciences and natural sciences (Перевод: Основное её деление - это на общественные и естественные науки). Biology, chemistry and geology are three of these branches. Each branch of science are very different. They use many of the same techniques in the study of the materials in their area of science, but are very different materials.
Biology is the study of life and living things. The French naturalist, Jean Baptiste, introduced the term, biology, in Germany during the 1800’s. Biology is also divided into branches. Zoology, botany and anatomy are three of the major branches. Biology studies the life of particular species and their behavior, development and history. What makes biology different from the other branches of science is that it studies living things.
Chemistry is the branch of science dealing with the properties of substances
From the earliest recorded times, humans have observed chemical changes and have speculated at their possible causes. They each involve the research of very different materials present here on Earth. Organic chemistry is the only branch of chemistry defined as the study of substances produced by living organisms. They study living and non-living substances. Geological observations have been made since ancient times. The branches of geology are divided between the study of the Earth’s landforms, petrology, geochemistry, geophysics, structural geology and paleontology. In recent times, a great deal of research has been at the atomic and molecular levels. Scientists have searched for and studied various materials found on Earth. The study of their reactive characteristics has led to great advances in the use of the power of their reactions in the creation of nuclear power. By following the history of these observations and speculations the gradual evolution of the ideas and concepts that have led to the modern science of chemistry can be traced. The common thread is the science focused on the goal of finding and understanding these materials and how they can make life better for us.
Ссылка сразу и на то, и на другое. Ждём беспристрастной оценки 🙂

Ответ от Вита Милькин[гуру]
За такой вопрос два балла - и то много!
Ведь если сам понятия не имеешь, то как это понятие незнакомые найдут??? ?
А если кинешься искать то, не знаю, что и найдешь, так потом еще и претензии получаешь от спрашивающего. Эта фигня мне не нужна!
Четче формулируй, и помощники придут!

Ответ от Нияз Багавутдинов[новичек]
Types of science
Science is such a wide area that it is divided into branches or types which means the same. Its main division is into social sciences and natural sciences (Перевод: Основное её деление - это на общественные и естественные науки) . Biology, chemistry and geology are three of these branches. Each branch of science are very different. They use many of the same techniques in the study of the materials in their area of science, but are very different materials.
Biology is the study of life and living things. The French naturalist, Jean Baptiste, introduced the term, biology, in Germany during the 1800’s. Biology is also divided into branches. Zoology, botany and anatomy are three of the major branches. Biology studies the life of particular species and their behavior, development and history. What makes biology different from the other branches of science is that it studies living things.
Chemistry is the branch of science dealing with the properties of substances
From the earliest recorded times, humans have observed chemical changes and have speculated at their possible causes. They each involve the research of very different materials present here on Earth. Organic chemistry is the only branch of chemistry defined as the study of substances produced by living organisms. They study living and non-living substances. Geological observations have been made since ancient times. The branches of geology are divided between the study of the Earth’s landforms, petrology, geochemistry, geophysics, structural geology and paleontology. In recent times, a great deal of research has been at the atomic and molecular levels. Scientists have searched for and studied various materials found on Earth. The study of their reactive characteristics has led to great advances in the use of the power of their reactions in the creation of nuclear power. By following the history of these observations and speculations the gradual evolution of the ideas and concepts that have led to the modern science of chemistry can be traced. The common thread is the science focused on the goal of finding and understanding these materials and how they can make life better for us.
Ссылка сразу и на то, и на другое. Ждём беспристрастной оценки 🙂

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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