mother has cooked supper

Disagree mother has cooked supper

Автор Igrok задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

английский open the brackets.Put the verbs into the Present Perfect. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Любовь Попова[гуру]
1.Bill has bought a new car this week.
2. Jane has cut her hair today.
3.I have drunk coffee twice this morning.
4.My mother has already cooked supper.
[ссылка появится после проверки модератором] We have had lunch recently. (здесь непонятно начало, я вставила подлежащее We)
6.My little sister has never played basketball.
7.I have not seen Mary today.
8. He has broken his leg lately.
9.I have never heard about it.
10.The sun has not risen yet.

Ответ от Heartbeat[гуру]
1. has bought
2. has cut
3. have drunk
4. has already cooked
где 5?
6. has never played
7. have not seen
8. has broken
9. have never heard
10. has not risen

Ответ от Галя Тимошенко[эксперт]
1) has bought скорее всего, хотя можно и is going to buy или is buying поставить если на этой неделе, но в будущем.
2)has cut
везде перфекты как я понял, have/has + part2

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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