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Автор Екатерина Михайлова задал вопрос в разделе Религия, Вера

молитва символ веры на английском языке с транскрипцией для правильного чтения. Помогите найти. Спасибо. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Андрей[гуру]
А эти Дибилы за место правильной транскрипции, правильные буквы не могли в слова поставить.

Ответ от Пастор Александр Лапоченко[гуру]
The Creed (Символ веры)
I believe in one God (я верю в Бога), the Father Almighty (Отца, все держащего), Maker of heaven and earth (сотворившего небо и землю), and of all things visible and invisible (и все вещи видимые и невидимые);
And in one Lord (и в Господа), Jesus Christ (Иисуса Христа), the Son of God (Сына Божия), the Only-begotten (единственного), begotten of the Father before all ages (происшедшего от Отца до всех веков); Light of Light (Света от Света), true God of true God (Истинного Бога от Истинного Бога); begotten, not made (произошедшего, не сотворенного); being of one essence with the Father (бывшего одной сущности с Отцом); by Whom all things were made (Которым все вещи сотворены);
Who for us men (Который для наслюдей), and for our salvation (и для нашего спасения), came down from the Heavens (сошел с небес), and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit (и был воплощен от Святого Духа) and the Virgin Mary (и Девы Марии), and became man (и стал человеком);
And was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate(и был распят за нас при Понтийском Пилате), suffered and was buried (страдавшего и погребенного);
And arose again on the third day according to the Scriptures (и воскресшего снова в третий день, согласно Писаниям);
And ascended into the Heavens (и восшедшего на Небеса), and sitteth at the right hand of the Father (и сидящего по правую руку от Отца);
And shall come again (И снова приходящего), with glory (со славой), to judge both the living and the dead (судить живых и мертвых); Whose Kingdom shall have no end (Которого царствие не имеет конца);
And in the Holy Spirit (И в Святого Духа), the Lord, the Giver of life (Господа, Подателя жизни); Who proceedeth from the Father (Который от Отца исходит); Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified (Который с Отцом и Сыном вместепрославляется и славится); Who speak by the Prophets (Который говорил через пророков);
In One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church (Во Единую Святую, Соборную и Апостольскую Церковь).
I confess one baptism for the remission of sins (Я признаю одно крещение для искупления грехов).
I look for the resurrection for the dead (Я жду воскресения от смерти),
And the life of the age to come. Amen (И жизни на века пришедшей. Аминь).

Ответ от Ёвидетелей Жалко[гуру]
We believe in one God, the Father the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being, with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made men. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom has no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father. With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.
[wi:] [b??li:v] [?n] [w?n] [g?d], [??] [?f?:??] [??] [?:l?ma?t?], [?me?k?] [?v] [?hev(?)n] [?nd] [?:?], [?v] [?:l] [??t] [?z], [si:n] [?nd] [??n?si:n].
[wi:] [b??li:v] [?n] [w?n] [l?:d], [?d?i:z?s] [kra?st], [??] [??nl?] [s?n] [?v] [g?d], [i't?:n(?)li] [b??g?tn] [?v] [??] [?f?:??], [g?d] [fr?m] [g?d], [la?t] [fr?m] [la?t], [tru:] [g?d] [fr?m] [tru:] [g?d], [b??g?tn], [n?t] [me?d], [?v] [w?n] [?bi:??], [w??] [??] [?f?:??]. [?ru:] [h?m] [?:l] things[МН. Ч.] [w?:] [me?d]. [f?:] [?s] [men] [?nd] [f?:] [?a??] [s?l?ve??(?)n] [hi:] [ke?m] [da?n] [fr?m] [?hev(?)n]: [ba?] [??] [?pa??] [?v] [??] [?h??l?] [?sp?r?t] [hi:] [b??ke?m] [?n?k?:n?t] [fr?m] [??] [?v?:d??n] [?me(?)r?], [?nd] [w?z] [me?d] [men]. [f?:] [?a??] [se?k] [hi:] [w?z] crucified [??nd?] Pontius [?pa?l?t]; [hi:] suffered [de?] [?nd] [w?z] [?ber?d]. [?n] [??] [??:d] [de?] [hi:] [r??z] [??ge(?)n] [?n] [??k?:d(?)ns] [w??] [??] Scriptures[МН. Ч.]; [hi:] ascended [??ntu:] [?hev(?)n] [?nd] [?z] [?si:t?d] [?t] [??] [ra?t] [h?nd] [?v] [??] [?f?:??]. [hi:] [w?l] [k?m] [??ge(?)n] [?n] [?gl?:r?] [tu:] [d??d?] [??] [?l?v??] [?nd] [??] [ded], [?nd] [h?z] [?k??d?m] [h?z] [n??] [end].
[wi:] [b??li:v] [?n] [??] [?h??l?] [?sp?r?t], [??] [l?:d], [??] [?g?v?] [?v] [la?f], [hu:] [?pr??si:dz] [fr?m] [??] [?f?:??]. [w??] [??] [?f?:??] [?nd] [??] [s?n] [hi:] [?z] worshipped [?nd] [?gl?:r?fa?d]. [hi:] [h?z] [?sp??k?n] [?ru:] [??] Prophets[МН. Ч.].
[wi:] [b??li:v] [?n] [w?n] [?h??l?] [?k??(?)l?k] [?nd] [,?p?s't?lik((?)l)] [t??:t?]. [wi:] [?k?n?l?d?] [w?n] [?b?pt?z(?)m] [f?:] [??] [f??g?vn?s] [?v] sins[МН. Ч.]. [wi:] [l?k] [f?:] [??] [?rez??rek?(?)n] [?v] [??] [ded], [?nd] [??] [la?f] [?v] [??] [w?:ld] [tu:] [k?m]. [??:m?n].

Ответ от Анжелика Воcкресенская[гуру]
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Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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