мгимо олд

I am eighteen

Автор Djusha90 задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

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Ответ от Ётарый Автослесарь[гуру]
I'm <...> years old. She is <...> years old. Dmytry is <...> years old. They working <...>. They have a thier family. I like sports - are <.., >. I don't have <...>, but I have one <...>. Her name is <...>, she is <...> years old. My family is very <...>
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Ответ от Аааа бббб[активный]
I'm eighteen years old. She is 53 (fifty-three) years old. Dmytrii is 33 (thirty-three) years old. They work as drivers. And they have their families. I love sports: basketball, running, skiing. I don't have a grandfather, but i have a grandmother. Her name is Anna Lavrentjevna, she is eighty years old. We have a very friendly family.

Ответ от Лариса Сердюк[новичек]
I am 18 years.It is 53 year. Dmitry is 33 year. They work as drivers. And they have the families. I love sport: basket-ball, at run, pattens. I do not have a grand-dad, but there is one grandmother. Its name is Ann Lavrent'evna, it is 80 years.
We have the very united family.

Ответ от ПаЗиТиФфФкА[новичек]
I am 18 years.It is 53 years. Dmitry is 33 years. They work as drivers. And they have the monogynopaediums. I love sport: basket-ball, at run, pattens. I do not have a grand-dad, but there is one grandmother. Its name is Ann Lavrent'evna, it is 80 years. We have the very united family.Если не ошибаюсь то так)

Ответ от Иришка[гуру]
I am 18 years old. She is 53. Dmitryi is 33 years old. They are drivers. They have families. I'm into sports: basketball, running, skiing. I don't have a grandfather, but I have a grandmother. Her Name is Anna Lavrentievna, she is 80 years old. Our family is very close.

Ответ от Lala[гуру]
I'm eighteen years old. She is fifty three years old. Dmitriy is thirty three years old. They work as drivers. They have their families. I love (like) sport: basketball, running, skis. I don't have a grandfather, but have one grandmother. Her name is Anna Lavrentevna, she is 80 years old. Our family is very friendly.

Ответ от ЁаМо СоВеРшЕнСтВо[новичек]
Почему its. она же одушевлённая, значит Hers

Ответ от Marinas[гуру]
ай эм эйтин ез олд.
ши из фифти сфри ез олд.
дмитрий из съерти сфри ез олд.
зей ворк эз драйверз.
энд зей хев фемилиз.
ай лайкс спорт: баскетбол, ранинг, скиинг.
ай донт хэв грэнд фазер, бат ай хэв ван грэнд мазер.
хё нэим из Анна Лаврентьевна, ши из эйти ез оулд.
ви хэв вери френдли фэмили.

Ответ от Assel[новичек]
I am eighteen years old.She is fifty three years old.Dimitri is thirty three years old.They are drivers.And they have own families.I love sport:basketball,running,skiing.I have not got grandfather but i have one grandmother.Her name is Anna Lavrentieva. she is eighty years old.Our family is united family.

Ответ от Дана[гуру]
I am 18. She is 53. Dmitry is 33. they work as drivers. And they haму own families. I love sport: basketball, run, skis. I haven't grandfather,but have grandmother. Her name is Ann Lavrent'evna,she is 80. We are very friendly family.
И поправка к остальным ответам: "It " используется только с неоушевленными предметами....

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