metro young

Soviet bear

Автор Ирина задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Английский язык. Помогите, пожалуйста, с заданием! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Tatyana[гуру]
Does the Kremlin stand on the bank of the Moscow River?
The Kremlin does not stand on the bank of the Moscow River.

Did Moscow become the capital of the young Soviet Republic in 1918?
Moscow did not become the capital of the young Soviet Republic in 1918.

Is the Moscow Metro comfortable and very fast?
The Moscow Metro is not comfortable and very fast.

Ответ от Kot Pustyrnik[гуру]
1. The Kremlin stands on the bank of the Moscow River. Does Kremlin stand on the bank of the Moscow River? The Kremlin doesn't stand on the bank of the Moscow River. 2. Moscow became the capital of the young Soviet Republic in 1918. Did Moscow become the capital of the young Soviet Republic in 1918? Moscow didn't become the capital of the young Soviet Republic in 1918 3. The Moscow Metro is comfortable and very fast. Is the Moscow Metro comfortable and very fast? The Moscow Metro isn't comfortable and very fast.

Ответ от Пользователь удален[гуру]
1.Does the Kremlin stand on the bank of the Moscow River? The Kremlin doesn't stand on the bank of the Moscow River. 2. Did Moscow become the capital of the young Soviet Republic in 1918? 2. Moscow didn't become the capital of the young Soviet Republic in 1918. 3. Is The Moscow Metro comfortable and very fast. 3. The Moscow Metro isn't comfortable and very fast.

Ответ от Зайка Солнечная[новичек]
Кремль расположен на берегу Москва реки Сосква стала столицей молодой Советской республики в 1918 году Московское метро комфортабельное (удобное) и очень быстрое (скоростное)

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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