make the following interrogative and negative

Автор Katya Harina задал вопрос в разделе Домашние задания

Make the following interrogative and negative. Пожалуйста) и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Jesus boobs[гуру]
1) She wasn't standing alone before the fire.
Was she standing alone before the fire?
2) They were not crossing the street at the wrong place.
Were they crossing the street at the wrong place.
3) I wasn't listening to their conversation.
Was I listening to their conversation.
и так далее.

Ответ от Алена Лыскова[новичек]
was she standing alone before the fire? She wasn‘t standing alone before the fire. 2)Were they crossing the street at the wrong place?They weren‘t crossing the street at the wrong place. 3) Was I listening to their conversation? I wasn‘t listening to their conversation. 4) Were they talking about our party? They weren‘t talking about our party. 5) Was George preparing..(конец предложения перепиши)..? George wasn‘t preparing... 6)Was she... She wasn/t playng... 7) were the children... The children weren‘t ...8) Was their son... Their son wasn‘t ...

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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