london was founded

When your school was founded

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Ответ от читаю вопросы[гуру]
1.the author of houses of parliament is ...
2.lobdon was founded in ...
3. no, population of london is more than 10 million people
и т. д.
денис, это в универе задали или школе?

Ответ от Nadejda Blagodarnaya[гуру]
1.Charles Barry and Augustus Pugin in Victorian design after the fire in 1834.2.London was founded more than 2000 years ago.3. Officially there is 7 million people in London, augmented by 17 million tourists each year. 4.The Tower (White) of London is on the left side of the river Thames.5.Yeomen Warders, nicknamed "Beefeaters". 6.Tower walkway 43 m high, length is not known.7.BIg Ben is the 96 m -high tower clock. 8.To Admiral Nelson. 9.Admiral Nelson was killed at the Battle of Trafalgar. Nelson's victories-at the Nile, Copenhagen, Trafalgar and Cape St. Vincent.10 It is 170-year old but it was widen in 1991.

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