london eye перевод

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русско-ангийский перевод помогите и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Волк[активный]
+с№ёэ№щКхЁьшэРяшёюъюяЁхфхыхэшщ+фЁхёНш=р=№ИюЁьр=шЁютрээ№щъюэхч¶юЁь№эрёрыю¶юЁь№-юэфюэ it is known not only the museums, architectural ensembles and pubs. In it are located set of amazing sights, anything similar on which is not present in other world. The Eye of London (London Eye) the Big wheel of Eyes of London (London Eye) height 135 m - the highest big wheel in the world. On it you can make half-hour flight above capital of the Great Britain, admiring with magnificent kinds. The most romantic time for survey of London - evening when starts to darken and is below lit set of fires. The Address: nr County Hall, Belvedere Road, London SE1 7PB Help плиз!!!!токо without having pinned

Ответ от Ольга Иванова[гуру]
London is famous not only for its museums, architectural ensembles and pubs. There are many amazing sights, nothing like that is not in the rest of the world. London Eye (London Eye) Wheel reviews London Eye (London Eye), height 135 m - the tallest wh

Ответ от Ленчик[активный]
London is known not only the museums, architectural ensembles and pubs. In it(him) are located set of amazing sights, anything similar on which is not present in other world.Eye of London (London Eye) the big Wheel of Eyes of London (London Eye) heigh

Ответ от юрий табульдин[гуру]
London known not only their own museum, architectral ensemble and пабами. In him is located ensemble striking достопримечательностей, nothing look like which no for the rest world.The Eye London (London Eye) Wheel reviews Eye London (London Eye) by he

Ответ от Оля Гетьманенко[гуру]
London is famous not only for its museums, architectural ensembles and pubs. There are many amazing sights, nothing like that is not in the rest of the world. London Eye (London Eye) Wheel reviews London Eye (London Eye), height 135 m - the talles

Ответ от Ajan[гуру]
London is famous not only for its museums, architectural ensembles and pubs. There are many amazing sights, nothing like anywhere in the world: London Eye, Big Wheel.London Eye is 135 m. high, and it is the tallest wheel in the world. You can

Ответ от Ўлиана.[гуру]
London is famous not only for its museums, architectural ensembles and pubs. There are many amazing sights, nothing like that is not in the rest of the world. London Eye (London Eye) Wheel reviews London Eye (London Eye), height 135 m - the tallest wheel

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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