лекарства на английском

Автор Єельская Дарья задал вопрос в разделе Болезни, Лекарства

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Ответ от Osipova Olga[гуру]
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For adults doses are generally taken four times a day for fever or arthritis,[93] with doses near the maximal daily dose used historically for the treatment of rheumatic fever.[94] For the prevention of myocardial infarction in someone with documented or suspected coronary artery disease, much lower doses are taken once daily.[93]
New recommendations from the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF, March, 2009) on the use of aspirin for the primary prevention of coronary heart disease encourage men aged 45–79 and women aged 55–79 to use aspirin when the potential benefit of a reduction in myocardial infarction (MI) for men or stroke for women outweighs the potential harm of an increase in gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Regular low dose (75 mg) aspirin users had a 25% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease and a 14% lower risk of death from any cause. Low dose aspirin use was also associated with a trend toward lower risk of cardiovascular events, and lower aspirin doses (75 to 81 mg/day) may optimize efficacy and safety for patients requiring aspirin for long-term prevention.[95]
In children with Kawasaki disease, aspirin is taken at dosages based on body weight, initially four times a day for up to two weeks and then at a lower dose once daily for a further six to eight weeks.[96]

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