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Автор Єилипп Котаев задал вопрос в разделе Детские сады

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Ответ от сергей уфимцев[активный]
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Ответ от Александр Абрамов[активный]
Просто напиши все это в гуле переводчике

Ответ от Alina May[активный]
Who are you cured from the disease 2.Doctor refused to treat a patient, because the patient did not listen to him.3.He does not want, to be treated by a young doctor.4.In this clinic it cured all ills.5.I have no doubt, that Professor Brown will cure me,

Ответ от Нина Еремеева[гуру]
Who cured you from this disease? 2.Doctor refused to treat a patient, because the patient did not listen to him.3.He does not want to be treated by such a young doctor.4.In this clinic he was cured of all deseases.5.I have no doubt, that Professor Brown w

Ответ от убиваторрр ((([гуру]
держи школоло -

Ответ от Динара Исатаева[новичек]
на английском это будет звучать так: Who are you cured from the disease 2. The doctor refused to treat a patient because the patient did not listen to him. 3. He does not want to be treated by a young doctor. 4. In this clinic it cured all ills. 5. I

Ответ от Данила Озеров[новичек]
Who cured you from this disease? 2.Doctor refused to treat a patient, because the patient did not listen to him.3.He does not want to be treated by such a young doctor.4.In this clinic he was cured of all deseases.5.I have no doubt, that Professor Brown w

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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