leave group перевод

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The introduction in what of these groups wouldn't be interesting to me. Because it is frivolous and interesting to me. And I don't like their fashion and a way of life.
I consist in what group. But I think what to enter and leave group easily because I have two points of view: 1) if then the idea of these groups you could enter them easily was interesting to you. 2) if to you became not is interesting idea of these groups, you too can them is easy leave.
If I would enter any group that I would remain former because I don't like to change for the worse

Ответ от Kolian Belchenko[активный]
I would not be interested in joining any of these groups. because for me it is not serious and interesting. and I do not like their style of dress and lifestyle.
I am not not in any group. but I think that to enter and leave the group easily, because I have two points of view: 1) if you were interested in the idea of ​​these groups, then you could easily join them. 2) If you do not become interested in the idea of ​​these groups, you too can easily leave.
If I engaged in a kind - a group that I would have remained the same, because I do not like change for the worse

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