когда я был вампиром

Автор Ѝлен задал вопрос в разделе Кино, Театр

Перечислите, пожалуйста, фильмы провампиров, какие знаете! и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Alena соколовская[гуру]
Цирк вампиров.
Легенда о вампире
Когда я был вампиром (Мой лучший друг - вампир) . My Best Friend Is a Vampire
Легенда о вампире. Tale of a Vampire
Когда я был вампиром (Мой лучший друг - вампир) . My Best Friend Is a Vampire
Вампиры. Vampires
Клан вампиров.
Ночь вампиров
Тень вампира
Баффи - истребительница вампиров. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Вампиры 3: Пробуждение зла. Vampires: The Turning
Кровь: Последний вампир
Бесстрашные убийцы вампиров, или Извините, но Ваши зубы в моей шее (Бал вампиров) . Fearless Vampire Killers, The
Вампир в Бруклине. Vampire in Brooklyn
Нежить (Современные вампиры) . Modern Vampires (Revenant)
Салемские вампиры
Вампиры Против Зомби. Vampires vs. Zombies
Объятие вампира. Embrace Of The Vampire
Мотоцикл-вампир. I Bought a Vampire Motorcycle
Жажда крови
Дитя луны
Настоящая кровь. True Blood
Дочь Дракулы
Ван Хельсинг
В компании волков. Company of Wolves, The
Носферату - Симфония ужаса
Узы крови
30 дней ночи
Последний человек на Земле
Любовь с первого укуса

Ответ от Kassandra[гуру]
Ван ХельсингБал вампиров

Ответ от Death Monster Corp.[гуру]

Ответ от Catt[гуру]

Ответ от Пользователь удален[новичек]
Все фильмы где есть Дракула: * Nosferatu (1922; starring Max Schreck, remade 1979 with Klaus Kinski) – unlicensed German adaptation of Bram Stoker's novel; featuring "Count Orlok", a thinly veiled allusion to Dracula. * Dracula (1931) – the first Universal Studios Dracula film, starring Bela Lugosi * Dracula (Spanish Version) (1931) – Spanish-language version starring Carlos Villar, made simultaneously with the Bela Lugosi film, using the same sets on a timeshare basis * Dracula's Daughter (1936) – Follow up to the 1931 film, starring Gloria Holden * Son of Dracula (1943) – further sequel to the 1931 film starring Lon Chaney Jr. * House of Frankenstein (1944) – John Carradine plays Dracula as part of an ensemble cast in this Universal Studios film * House of Dracula (1945) – The final serious Universal Studios Dracula film, starring Carradine * Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) – Lugosi played Dracula on film for the second and final time in this comedy-horror hybrid that concluded the Universal Studios series. * Drakula Istanbul'da (Dracula in Istanbul) (1953) - a rarely seen Turkish film on the subject. In order not to offend Muslim sensibilities no crucifixes were depicted. * Dracula (1958; aka Horror of Dracula) – the first Hammer Horror Dracula film, starring Christopher Lee as the Count. Followed by the sequels: * The Brides of Dracula (1960) - the only one in the sequence which doesn't feature Christopher Lee in the lead role * Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966) - in which Lee returns from the dead * Dracula Has Risen from the Grave (1968) * Taste the Blood of Dracula (1969) * Scars of Dracula (1970) * Dracula AD 1972 (1972) * The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973) * Dracula (1968) a made-for-television version starring Denholm Elliott. * Count Dracula (1970 film) was the Jesus Franco-directed adaptation. * Countess Dracula (1970) * Blacula (1972) – a blaxploitation cult film in which an African prince is turned into a vampire by Dracula. The film is also notable for featuring the first two gay male vampires in film history: both victims of Blacula. o Scream Blacula Scream (1973) * Leptirica (1973) (The Butterfly) directed by DJor * Dracula (1973) was directed by Dan Curtis and starred Jack Palance in the title role. * Blood for Dracula (1974) - also released as Andy Warhol's Dracula (x-rated) * Count Dracula (1977) was the second BBC production, this one remarkably faithful and starring Louis Jourdan. * Lust at First Bite (1978) - (x-rated) * Zoltan, Hound of Dracula (aka Dracula's Dog) (1978), a low-budget film in which the descendant of Dracula takes second billing to a vampiric Doberman * Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (1979) was Werner Herzog's remake of Murnau's silent classic. * Dracula (1979) – a film in the gothic romantic tradition starring Frank Langella and remake of the 1931 film with Bela Lugosi * Love At First Bite (1979) – romantic comedy spoof starring George Hamilton. * Dracula Blows His Cool (1979) - a bizarre German film in which the vampire's castle becomes a tourist trap and the Count is reduced to providing oral service for his guests. * Gayracula (1983), an all-male pornographic film * The Monster Squad (1987) * Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat (1990) is a comedy western about a ghost town populated by vampires. * Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) – attempt at filming the story quite close to Stoker's novel, but merging the medieval story of Vlad Tepeş; starring Gary Oldman as Dracula * Interview with the Vampire (1994) – While no appearance or rendition of Dracula is made, the vampire Louis denounces the Dracula legend as "the vulgar fictions of a demented Irishman."

Ответ от Лиля Муравьёва[новичек]
Интервью с вампиром
Салемские вампиры
Ван Хельсинг
Дракула 2000
От заката до рассвета
От заката до рассвета2
Баффи - истребительница вампиров
Когда я был вампиром (Мой лучший друг - вампир)

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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