its all about

Its all about money

Автор November Rain задал вопрос в разделе Музыка

Подскажите, что за песня? Помню только слова I dont think its funny и дальше там (только не смейтесь) don don diririn don)) и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от ZTA[гуру]
Meja: All About The Money (lyrics)
I find another world inside my mind.
When I realize the crazy things we do.
It makes me feel ashamed to be alive.
It makes me want to run away and hide.
Its all about the money,
its all about the dum dum duh dee dum dum.
I dont think its funny.
To see us fade away.
Its all about the money,
its all about the dum dum duh dee dum dum.
and I think we got it all wrong anyway.
We find stranges ways,
of showing them how much we really care.
When in fact we dont seem to care at all.
This pretty world is gettin out of hand.
So tell me how we failed to understand.
-chorus x2-
Its all about the money,
its all about the dum dum duh dee dum dum.
I dont think its funny.
to see us fade away.
Its all about the money,
its all about the dum dum duh dee dum dum.
and I think we got it all wrong anyway.

Ответ от Scully[гуру]
ding a dong - группа "Teach in"... Насчет "I dont think its funny" не помню... в английском не сильна, но don don diririn don... там есть такие слова. Сама люблю эту группу...

Ответ от Павел Серых[гуру]
Bee Gees

Ответ от Nigh[гуру]
Meja - All About The Money

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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