интернет на английском

топик интернет на английском

Автор Вячеслав Лобанов задал вопрос в разделе ВУЗы, Колледжи

Нужно сочинение про Интернет на английском языке, объём 100 слов. и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Кирилл[активный]
The Internet is any more luxury, and means for work, entertainments and припровождения time. I would like to consider the problem, what actually the role plays the Internet in life of youth and for me personally.
Millions people all over the world come every day into the Internet. At someone it already in blood – to be on the Internet. It is, of course, bad, when the person prefers virtual life before a reality when the Internet becomes a way of life. I don't want to tell that I against the Internet, but all should have clever borders. I have the Internet of the house and willingly there for something I search, when I need information. On the Internet in our disposal a large quantity of books, newspapers and magazines. Recently I, for example, have read on the Internet of the sixth that Harry Potter. And still advantage of the Internet is e-mail. It is fast and cheap communications. I have own electronic address and I correspond with friends from other cities and the countries. Today there is a lot of different an Internet – the Olympic Games in different subjects which give the chance to pupils to take part even in the international competitions. My acquaintance has won such competition and has gone on the further competition to Poland.
Not all my acquaintances have the house Internet. There is a set of Internet cafe in our city, where using the Internet cheap enough. The youth loves, first of all, computer games, dialogue and to happen in chats. But it is possible to subject the Internet to criticism also. Youth seldom supervise the information which it receives from the Internet. I have in attention the problematic maintenance (as sex and violence) which should be forbidden. So, the Internet is necessary for youth. Almost everyone who "has tried" him once, can't imagine to itself(himself) life without the Internet. And the quantity of such "afflicted" increases every day.

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