i think you ought apologize

Автор Џгодк@ задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition and the gerund и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Пользователь удален[гуру]
А чето уже сложноватое задание местами, я бы сказал. кое-где сомневаюмь проверьте сами по словарям предлоги. я бы написал так:
discourage from doing
enquire about enrolling
excited about starting
thinking of leaving
in agreement on cutting costs
upon/on, helping
insisted on paying
about losing
apologize for not telling the truth
approved of their staying out late
get on with writing
blame for starting
after living - тоже выше правильно, over.
warned of buying - блин точняк, выше прально написано, against
planning on expanding

Ответ от Валентина К[гуру]
1. Don’t try and discourage me from doing what I want to do.
2. I’d like to enquire about enrolling on one of your evening courses.
3. She seems very excited by starting that new job.
4. Are you thinking of leaving him?
5. I think we’re all in agreement on cutting our costs.
6. She lives on her own but she relies on the neighbour helping her.
7. She insisted on paying the bill.
8. I expect he’s very depressed by losing his job.
9. I think you should apologize for not telling me the truth.
10. I’ve never approved of young people staying out late.
11. Stop talking and get on writing your essays.
12. Why do you always blame me for starting the arguments?
13. It’s lovely here. It’s a great improvement over living in that awful flat.
14. I warned them against buying that car.
15. They’re planning on (expanding the company.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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