i had a strange dream last night

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Ответ от Даниил Зубков[активный]
1.i saw a very strange dream last night.
2. nick dreamt about winning the contest in Physics.
3. Dave's nightmare was caused with a horror movie he had watched before going to bed.
4.masha got a job after school and never regretted it.
5. Leo failed to get home at the usual time.
6.Andrew was very proud in his invention.
7. i would never miss a chance to go on a swimming course

Ответ от Алиса Киш[активный]
1. saw
2. about
3. by
4. -
5. get
6. of
7. go

Ответ от Simas Pocius[гуру]
1. I saw a very strange dream last night.
2. Nick dreamt about winning the contest in Physics.
3. Dave's nightmare was caused by a horror movie he had watched before going to bed.
4.Masha got a job after school and never regretted about it.
5. Leo failed getting home at the usual time.
6.Andrew was very proud of his invention.
7. I would never miss a chance going on a swimming course.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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