гив май мани

Автор Алина Познякова задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Tatyana Pivovarova[гуру]
Each week my parents give me some pocket money. I spend this money for meals at school and public transport. I never have a definite sum of money because I can\'t know when I\'ll go to he cinema with my friends. Before the holidays parents give me money to buy presents for my friends and relatives. I adore choosing gifts! It\'s always interesting if they like my presents or not. Money is not the main thing for me. Spending time with friends doesn\'t always mean spending money.

Ответ от Zayn Malik[активный]
тогда напиши сюда как перевел переводчик, а я грамматически исправлю!

Ответ от •°••Sun_bEam•°••[активный]
for twenty o'clock

Ответ от Karina Belousova Lindmann[гуру]
карманные деньги - pin money The money I spend on food in schools and transport. - не нравится мне порядок слов. I spend the money on... Madam Pivovaroff, все уже написала за вас, тоько to spend money ON smth. — тратить деньги на что

Ответ от Настасья[гуру]
My parents give me pocket money every week. This money I spend for dinner at school and urban transport. There is no definite sum of money. I cannot foresee when I go to the cinema with my friends. Before holidays I become money for presents for my fr

Ответ от Sveta[гуру]
I spend this money for food at school There isn't any certain sum. I can't know when I go out with my friends, can I? They give me some money... my relatives I enjoy to do presents It's always interesting whether will they like the present

Ответ от Yulua Kardanova[гуру]
Язык перевода: Перевод: русский > английский My parents give me pocket money every week. The money I spend on food in schools and transport. There is never a certain amount. I'm not I know when I go out with friends to a movie? Bef

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