future continuous passive

Автор Kiss@ задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

английский. есть ли в пассивном залоге времена future continuous и future in the past continuous? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от ДД Т[гуру]
Есть, но практически не используется.
Рассуждения нейтивов
At 8:30 tomorrow, he will be being interviewed.
This sentence is correct, but the passive future progressive is not frequently used.
You can tell that it is correct, though. At 8:30 tomorrow, someone will be interviewing him. The interview will have started before 8:30, so that at 8:30 he will be in the middle of the interview. So, at 8:30 tomorrow, he will be being interviewed.
You can't say, "At 8:30 tomorrow he will be interviewed." This sentence would mean that 8:30 will be the start of the interview.
* At 8:00 PM tonight, John will be washing the dishes. Active
* At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes will be being washed by John. Passive
NOTE: Passive forms of the Future Continuous are not common.

Ответ от Пингвин[гуру]

Ответ от Владимир[гуру]
нет, они формально существуют но никогда не используются. Вместо Future Continuous Passive используется Future Simple passive.
то есть вместо "The homework will be being done by him" - "The homework will be done by him".

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