fill прошедшее время

Автор Ольга Протасова задал вопрос в разделе ВУЗы, Колледжи

Fill in the blanks with the past tense of the verbs in brackets.

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Ответ от Olga Tishineva[гуру]
My friend in school WAS Miguel. He and I WERE in Mrs. Gilbert’s third grade class, and we BECAME friends then. We often DROVE Mrs. Gilbert crazy, but I don’t think she ever really GOT mad at us. For example, Miguel HAD a pet rat named Curly. Sometimes he HID it in Mrs. Gilbert’s desk. Later, when she OPENED the drawer, she always SCREAMED and the class LAUGHED. After two years, his family MOVED to another town. We WROTE (HAD BEEN WRITING) to each other for a few years, but then we LOST contact. I often wonder what he’s doing now.

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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Fill in the blanks with the past tense of the verbs in brackets.


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