е to

Why it is worth visiting

Автор Ўля задал вопрос в разделе Гуманитарные науки

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Ответ от Qqqqq[гуру]
To float in pool it is useful.
2. I remember, that asked е ё to make it.
3. It was not necessary to spend for this time.
4. Stop to laugh at it.
5. Why you always avoid meetings with it(her).
6. She(it) could think of it(him).
7. They managed to sign the contract.
8. I remember, that I saw it(him) this week.
9.австралию it is necessary to visit.
10. They could recollect сво ё travel.
11. What it is necessary to visit in your city?
Whether 12. It was possible to it(her) to buy this book?
Whether 13. It(he) always avoids to speak about it not so.

Ответ от Валюша[новичек]
3. It's not worth time spent on it.
6. She couldn't help thinking of him.
7. Australia is worth seeing.
10. They couldn't help remembering their trip.
11. What places of interest shall I visit in your town?
12. Did she manage to buy this book?
13.He always avoids speaking about it, doesn't he? здесь может быть инфинитиф, не помню точно)

Ответ от Cleo[новичек]
1. It is useful to swim in the pool.
2. I remember I asked her to do it.
3. It is not worth spending time on it.
4. Stop laughing at it.
5. Why do you always avoid meeting her?
6. She couldn’t help thinking about him
7. They managed to sign the contract.
8. I remember I have seen him this week.
9. Australia is worth visiting
10.They couldn’t remember their journey.
11. What is worth seeing in your city?
12. Did she manage to buy this book?
13. He always avoids talking about it, doesn’t he?

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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