do you play football volleyball

Автор Андрей Ковалев задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от ***РЕГИНА***[гуру]
a) 1. They are chatting with each other via Internet.
2. Eleven years ago they were very small and went to kindergarten.
3. They lived in Moscow in the New Arbat.
4. They liked to walk together.
5. They used to have 6 classes a day.
6. After classes they had a football training.
7. He decided to learn to play the violin.
8. He works at the factory now.
9. Yes, he surely likes his work.
b) 1. I can't say I did very well, but I tried.
2. No, it was in one of Moscow's regions.
3. I was usually at home when I had no classes.
c) 1. I don't like to play it that much.
2. No, I didn't because I had to do my homework.
3. I last played this game when I was 15.
4. My firend often plays tennis.
5. I prefer playing tennis at the weekend.
d) 1. I'm not sure but I think they do.
2. I think they work in hospital as medical assistants during their internship.
3. Yes, it's very interesting if the student likes his work.
e) 1. Yesterday it was windy.
2. The weather is sunny now.
3. I like snowy and cold weather.
V. Не видно выделенных слов

Ответ от DILLERON Губадов[новичек]
a) 1. They are chatting with each other via Internet.
2. Eleven years ago they were very small and went to kindergarten.
3. They lived in Moscow in the New Arbat.
4. They liked to walk together.
5. They used to have 6 classes a day.
6. After classes they had a football training.
7. He decided to learn to play the violin.
8. He works at the factory now.
9. Yes, he surely likes his work.
b) 1. I can't say I did very well, but I tried.
2. No, it was in one of Moscow's regions.
3. I was usually at home when I had no classes.
c) 1. I don't like to play it that much.
2. No, I didn't because I had to do my homework.
3. I last played this game when I was 15.
4. My firend often plays tennis.
5. I prefer playing tennis at the weekend.
d) 1. I'm not sure but I think they do.
2. I think they work in hospital as medical assistants during their internship.
3. Yes, it's very interesting if the student likes his work.
e) 1. Yesterday it was windy.
2. The weather is sunny now.
3. I like snowy and cold weather.
V. Не видно выделенных слов

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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