could you tell me where

Автор Венедикт Гончаров задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Проблема с английским (дубль 2,на первый не отреагировали) и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Strizh_1[гуру]
Так вам предложения новые надо или новые вопросы?
1. I wonder, what that sign means?
2. Can't you remember, where you bought your computer?
3. Have you got any idea, where Dan goes?
4. I want to know, why you were crying.
5. Could you tell me, where the railway station is?
6. Do you know, how much it costs to park here?
7. I want to know, what qualification I need.
8. Could you tell me, where the supermarket is?
9. Have you got any idea, what this quotation means?
10. I wonder, where I canbook the ticket.

Ответ от Ёергей Петров[гуру]
Хочу обратить внимание, что не все предложения будут вопросительными. 1.I wonder what that sign means. 2.Can't you remember where you bought your computer? 3.Have you got any idea where Dan goes? 4.I want to know why you were crying. 5.Could you tell me where the railway station is? 6. Do you know how much it costs to park here? 7.I want to know what qualification I need. 8.Could you tell me where the supermarket is? 9.Have you got any idea what this quotation means? 10.I wonder where I can book the ticket.

Ответ от Анахорет Векордия[новичек]
А я на первый отреагировала )

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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