conditional 2

Conditional 2

Автор Karinakarolina задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

что значит в англ языке conditional 2 ?можете пример написать:? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Наталка[активный]
Conditional 2
Often called the "unreal" conditional because it is used for unreal - impossible or improbable - situations. This conditional provides an imaginary result for a given situation.
The verb 'to be', when used in the 2nd conditional, is always conjugated as 'were'.
If he studied more, he would pass the exam.
I would lower taxes if I were the President.
They would buy a new house if they had more money.
Conditional 2 is formed by the use of the past simple in the if clause followed by a comma would verb (base form) in the result clause. You can also put the result clause first without using a comma between the clauses.
If they had more money, they would buy a new house.
They would buy a new house if they had more money.
Источник: грамматика английского

Ответ от Алина[гуру]
условный (как знак, так и наклонение)

Ответ от Alexandra Luthor[активный]
это то, что нереально в данный момент, но мы рассуждаем, что было бы, если бы это было возможно. if I had $100.000.000, I would buy Christiano Ronaldu, just for fun=)

Ответ от RV[гуру]

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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