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Манхэттен по английски

Автор Лера Моргун задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

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Ответ от Виктория Винс[активный]
Bruklinsky Bridge - one of the oldest suspension bridges in America, is open in 1883, in 13 years after the beginning of its construction by John Reblingom who died of accident at construction, and its business was continued by his son. The bridge became the first construction which has connected Manhattan and Brooklyn which are divided by East river. Its length makes 1825 m, width of 26 m. The bridge is divided into 3 parts: the lateral are used by cars, and average – pedestrians, and it is on a considerable eminence. If to go from Brooklyn towards Manhattan, exactly the amazing view of Manhattan, Statue of Liberty, the Governor's island, and part of the New York bay from here opens. The road seems the freakish wood, where instead of trees only steel rods.

Ответ от Настюх@[гуру]
The Brooklyn Bridge может быть все-таки?

Ответ от Anthony Samoylov[активный]
its business - no way East river - article it is on a considerable Eminence - артикль в топку

Ответ от Макс братан[новичек]

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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