bright перевод на русский язык

Автор Владимир Жиринов задал вопрос в разделе Литература

Как звучит перевод "mars is bright tonight" на русский язык и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Карлсон[гуру]
What did the centaurs mean by "Mars is bright tonight"?
Firenze discussed this in OP27.
Mars is the god of war, which suggests that the Centaurs saw conflict coming. This was undoubtedly true, since Voldemort was wandering their forest and they were familiar with Harry Potter. I'm not sure that it would take a lot of divination ability to figure this out.
Fans have looked into the actual position of Mars on the night Harry was in the Forest (May 26, 1992, after 11 pm). Mars actually wasn't visible in the sky over Scotland until about 3 am, having risen around 2 am, but then it was easily the brightest object in its part of the sky. Mars wasn't in a particularly bright part of its cycle, however, being at magnitude 1.18. Since Rowling makes no effort to match her fictional world to real world dates, this is probably a moot point. But it's interesting nevertheless.
"Марс ясно виден на небе сегодня ночью".. В иносказательном смысле - скоро грянет бой или что-то типа того..

Ответ от Ђатьяна Тонина[гуру]
Марс сияет в ночи.

Ответ от °·~Okarin~·°[гуру]
Марс сегодня яркий. Это так кентавры Хагрида в запретном лесу динамили ))

Ответ от 22 ответа[гуру]
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