биография чарльза диккенса на английском языке

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Charles Dickens
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Charles DickensCharles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 in Portsmouth, England. His parents were John Dickens, a naval pay clerk, and Elizabeth Barrow.
At five, Charles moved to Chatham. When Charles was ten years old, his family moved to Camden, London. He worked in a blacking factory there while his father went to prison for debt. Dickens's hard times in this blackening factory served as the base of ideas for many of his novels. Many like 'oliver twist' soon became famous. When his uncle died and he inherited money, Charles's father paid off his debts and was released from prison. Charles did not like working and wished to stop working after his father was released. His mother said that the family needed the money so Charles was forced to continue working. Charles then finished his schooling, and got a job as an office boy for an attorney. After finding that job dull, he taught himself shorthand and became a journalist that reported on the government. He published his first book, The Pickwick Papers, in 1836. The name 'Dickens' was considered queer as it refered to the devil.
Amongst Charles' other famous books are Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, David Copperfield, Nicholas Nickelby, Moby Dick and The Old Curiosity Shop. Charles also wrote A Christmas Carol, which is often read at Christmas time.
Charles Dickens died on June 9, 1870. He was buried in Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey.
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