белый медведь на английском

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Ответ от Giliki[гуру]
Polar bear
The Polar bear the most large and strong overland predator. Adult male by size 2-2,5 m and weight 400-500 kgs - a phenomena usual, but there is individuals by value three with spare metre and weight 800 and even 1000 kg.
The Body of the beast is as it were compressed with side, very long neck and comparatively small head. The Polar bear - an inhabitant of the far north. He occupies the icy elbowrooms and island of the Arctic pool before north побережий Siberia and North America southward.
In our country he dwells on seaside морей North Ledovitogo ocean, on arctic island, but more on in open ocean. This is most beast amongst all bears of our fauna. He successfully hunts on seal, once in a while he manages to go fishing, besides, does not be squeamish about the dead body sea and overland animal, vegetable food nearly is absent in his(its) ration.
At period зимней бескормицы many polar bears to go to bed, active remain only adult, strong beast. Length winter VWVappear in the dreams can be differring. Beside adult male before 50-80 days, beside dry females before 115-125, females with медвежатами-сеголетками beside 106, pregnant females 160-170 days.
Gon in different parts of the area runs at different periods: on NOVAJA ZEML'A - a March, on North Land - a June - a July, in region of the cape CHelyuskina - a July - an August. Pregnancy lasts 230-250 days. The Female gives birth most often two медвежат, more senior ursas sometimes bring on four bear cubs.
With 1956 hunt on white медведя beside us prohibited. Only in emergency is permitted his(its) отстрел expedition and зимовщикам arctic radio station.
Geographical variability while it is studied weakly. Coming from available data, soviet conditionally select following two subspecieses.
The European polar bear - comparatively некрупный subspecies, value adult male does not exceed 2 m 30 refer to, but weight - 400-500 kg. Dwells on the Land Franca-Iosifa, NOVAJA ZEML'A, on льдах Karskogo epidemic deathes, on west seaside Taymyra and on floating льдах Ledovitogo ocean.
The Siberian polar bear large, than european. The Male be before three with spare metre by value and weight before 800 and even 1000 kg. Inhabits the siberian seasides arctic морей, as well as island and floating льды from west Taymyra before Bering strait.
The Skull and skins white медведя value on united methods with skull and skin borax.
надеюсь на 10--ку !!только подкорректируй немножко..по ходу текста

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