become past simple

Carry past simple

Автор Иван Кузнецов задал вопрос в разделе Лингвистика

Английский язык (времена) и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Анатолий Зинин[гуру]
Третье задание ты выставляешь сегодня. И все три достаточно простые. Надо хотя бы пытаться что-то выполнить. Начало положено. Так что вперёд!
One of Moscow designers makes micro models of different vehicles. This is his hobby. His first model was a plane. Its weight was 0.35 gr. It worked and made several circuits in the air.
In the last 10 years, he constructed eight unique working micro models. He made them of wood with the help of a knife.
His collection includes a little locomotive and a car – 13 cm and 18 cm long respectively. The locomotive consists of 2,566 separate parts and the car – of 1,035. It took him 4 months to study the locomotive design and 15 months to build this model.
The locomotive and the car worked like full-size models. There was even a whistle 1mm long. You can control the whole operation from the locomotive.
The switch (стрелочный перевод) is the mechanism, which is used to move the trains from one track to another.

Ответ от Business Information[мастер]
Вы в самом деле думаете, что будут столько выполнять?

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